Wednesday 1 May 2013

Quick Practise Make up look

Above is a doll inspired make up look i tested i wanted to see how all the elements that dolls usually have worked together on the face. I created what i thought to be a typical doll look including a flawless pale face with rosy cheeks, long eyelashes and coloured lips. When creating the look i used over the top long separated eyelashes to make the eyes stand out and give a hint of fashion within the look. This look was created very quickly as an idea for my second look for this project focusing more on the make up and the doll side to the story. When photographing the look i wanted to see how material applied either wrapped of draped over the face looked with this look and also if you could still capture the make up threw this. I wanted to trial using material as i thought it could give an interesting twist to the photographs when capturing them close up and also make it seem as if my models trapped in this doll like world for my second character, showcasing that she thinks she is the china doll that talks to her in reality.

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