Wednesday 1 May 2013

'The' China Doll

This is the china doll that i will be using in both my final shoots influencing both my characters personalities and traits. I choose to use a china doll in my image to really show the story behind my characters. The doll plays a big part in my story and in both my characters lifes so i wanted to find a doll which looks and matches the look of my actual model. This is the doll out of all the ones i have managed to gather that looked like my model the most by having blue eyes and long blonde hair. when creating the looks for both my characters and both different images i decided i will have the doll in both images and that i will also style the china doll to match the look of my model by styling her hair the same as my models for both shoots. For my second shoot 'The Doll' this is where i want to make both my model and doll look exactly like each other even down to similar clothing.


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