Wednesday 3 April 2013

Fear of clowns ?

While researching into my Urban legend and coming up with ideas and design processes for this project I wanted to consider both factors that could come from this, which is the clown and the Doll. Clowns I find to be an interesting prospect when it comes to fright factors as there are so many people who are terrified of clowns. They don't personally scare me but I wouldn't like to be alone with one or find one in a room with me, but when I think about being scared or what scares me there not something that would pop into my head. I have gathered photos of both fashion inspired clown shoots and also a scarier image of a clown which is what most people that our scared of them i feel would perceive them as looking like. When looking at clowns you can perceive them in different ways you can make them utterly terrifying, or you can actually make them quite a beautiful piece of work. This project requires me to do both of these outcomes I don't want to create a bloody mess of a shoot and end look, I want it to be thought out and have a sense of beauty but unease and make the viewer feel slightly tense and on edge.

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